Am I Selfish?

My immediate answer to this question is no. But it’s hard to live with people who make you think otherwise. In my last post, I went through my whole long saga of interviewing and accepting a new job that I’ll begin in September! I’m still really happy and confident, which actually surprises me. Usually anxiety…

How Sweet

I explained in my last post that I have chronic back pain and it is really getting in the way of my daily life. I was on vacation last week and my back was a mess. I was sleeping in a different bed, we were shopping, walking to the beach. It was a lot. One…

Vacation is Never Vacation

I’m back. I was on vacation last week. Actually, let me rephrase that… I was on “vacation” last week. In this family, vacation is never vacation. Sure, I’m thankful we get the opportunity to go to the beach (one of my favorite places) hang out at the pool, go to some fun shops, but overall,…


Wow. Did my dad really just stand up for me? This is such a weird feeling. I have the bare minimum of a relationship with him. We pretty much speak to each other only out of necessity and the only things we have in common is a handful of bands we both listen to and…

Generation Observation

As I mentioned in my last post, my grandmother just had heart surgery. She is doing really well and is already home. I am staying in her apartment for the weekend to help her readjust and make sure she doesn’t do too much even though she’s feeling so much better. Her breathing is better, her…


Yesterday, my grandmother had surgery. It was a long day. I woke up at 4:30 am, got to the hospital to give her a hug before she went in for prep, and finally saw her around 1:00 pm when the anesthesia wore off. She’s doing great. I’m not, for some reason. I hate that I’m…

So Many Hats

Over the weekend, I was watching my younger brother who has special needs. I usually do at some point every day, but the other day was for about three hours straight. During this time, I was thinking of all the different hats that my family wears to care for my brother. I’m sure every family,…


Everyone’s heard the age-old question: “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Maybe you’ve answered this question in a survey. Maybe you’ve discussed it with your friend group. Or you’ve just thought about it as your mind jumps from idea to idea. I’ve considered this question during a variety of periods in…

Being a Sister

Sometimes, being a sister is even better than being a superhero.  Having a strong bond with your siblings is possibly the greatest feeling your heart can ever experience.  Of course, no relationship is perfect; there will be arguments, silent treatments, and difficult times.  To be completely frank, being a sister or brother of an individual…